July 29th – Final Friday in Boneyfiddle - LADIES NIGHT featuring Alecia Nugent- 8:00 p.m., Sasha Colette & the Magnolias- 6:30 p.m. and Courtney Jo Band- 530 p.m. Nashville artist Alecia Nugent and her band will perform original country and bluegrass songs along with some covers. Sasha Colette & the Magnolias and the Courtney Jo Band appear on the Final Friday stage for the first time. Event takes place at Three Bridges Outdoor Concert Venue located at 132-2nd St., Portsmouth, Ohio. Find the event on Facebook for more information.
*Events take place at Three Bridges Outdoor Concert Venue located at 132-2nd St. Portsmouth, Ohio unless otherwise noted. All events are presented under the auspices of the nonprofit Boneyfiddle Project. Food and merchandise will be available at the concert but there will be no alcohol sales on site. Coolers are discreetly permitted. We are in a designated DORA zone which allows for open carry of alcohol purchased from participating establishments in approved containers. All Vendors must register @ FinalFridayinBoneyfiddleVendors page on Facebook.
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Printed courtesy of www.portsmouth.org/ – Contact the Portsmouth Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
342 Second Street, Portsmouth, OH 45662 – (740) 353-7647 – lcarver@portsmouth.org