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Box 575 South Shore KY 41175 (606) 932-3111 Minford Retirement Center Inc. Minford Retirement Center Inc. 9641 St. Rt 335 Minford Oh 45653 (740) 820-4191 Money Concepts Money Concepts 737 5th Street Portsmouth Oh 45662 (740) 353-2219 Memorial Burial Park Memorial Burial Park 10556 Gallia Pike Wheelersburg OH 45694 (740) 574-2591 Manchester Local School District Manchester Local School District 130 Wayne Frye Drive Manchester OH 45101 1-937-549-4777 Mamaw's House Childcare Mamaw's House Childcare 8627 State Rt 335 Minford OH 45653 (740) 961-9348 McKinley Funeral Home McKinley Funeral Home P.O. Box 729 Lucasville OH 45648 (740) 259-2481 Morgan Brothers Jewelers Morgan Brothers Jewelers 739 Fifth Street Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 353-2633 Morton Pharmacy Morton Pharmacy 1865 Coles Blvd. Portsmouth Oh 45662 (740) 353-1147 Melcher Hammer Funeral Home Melcher Hammer Funeral Home 1417 Offnere St Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 353-2808 Millhuff - Stang, CPA, Inc. Millhuff - Stang, CPA, Inc. 8841 Ohio River Rd Wheelersburg Oh 45694 (740) 876-8548 Mark & Kelli Johnson Mark & Kelli Johnson 330 Red Bud Rd Chillicothe OH 45601 Monroe's Frame & Collision Monroe's Frame & Collision 1162 10th Street Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 354-5572 Maestros Mexican Grill Restaurant Maestros Mexican Grill Restaurant 836 4th Street Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 660-4287 Mechanical Construction Mechanical Construction 2302 8th Street Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 353-5668 Minix Giovannis Minix Giovannis 1548 3rd Street West Portsmouth Ohio 45663 (740) 858-4493 Muse 609 Muse 609 609 2nd Street Unite 1 Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 529-1822 Marriott TownePlace Suites Marriott TownePlace Suites 802 Washington St Ironton OH 45638 (740) 237-4862 Michelle Euton Realty Michelle Euton Realty 817 Gallia St Portsmouth OH 45662 (606) 694-7954 Mac-A-Doo's Drive Thru Mac-A-Doo's Drive Thru 2010 Scioto Trail Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 353-4474 Mullins Construction Co. Mullins Construction Co. P.O. Box 163 Wheelersburg OH 45694 (740) 574-8012 Minford Local School District Minford Local School District 491 Bond Road Minford OH 45653 (740) 820-3896 Mex-Itali Inn Restaurant Mex-Itali Inn Restaurant 850 State Route 239 West Portsmouth OH 45663 (740) 858-4521