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Ponderosa Wheelersburg - Fat Brands Mgmt LLC 8801 Ohio River Rd Wheelersburg Oh 45694 (614) 893-5311 Patriot Tech Services Inc. Patriot Tech Services Inc. 578 S.R. 522 Wheelersburg Oh 45694 (606) 324-0711 Portsmouth City Schools Portsmouth City Schools 724 Findlay St Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 354-4810 Porter Industries Porter Industries 1790 Junior Furnace Powellsville Road Franklin Furnace OH 45629 (740) 302-0525 PNC Bank PNC Bank 800 Gallia Street Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 354-4567 Portsmouth Scioto County Visitors Bur... Portsmouth Scioto County Visitors Bureau 342 Second Street Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 353-1116 Par Mar Stores Par Mar Stores 299 Indian Dr. Lucasville OH 45648 (304) 687-4002 Portsmouth Management Firm LLC Portsmouth Management Firm LLC 2820 Gallia Street Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 351-2618 Port City Pub Port City Pub 424 Chillicothe St Portsmouth Oh 45662 (740) 355-9015 Portsmouth Murals Inc. Portsmouth Murals Inc. P.O. Box 509 Portsmouth Oh 45662 (740) 354-6123 Park & Hurth Apartments Park & Hurth Apartments 307 Chillicothe Street Portsmouth Oh 45662 (740) 351-0992 Portsmouth Wind Symphony Portsmouth Wind Symphony POB 277 Portsmouth OH 45662 ProSource, Inc ProSource, Inc 1041 8th Ave Huntington WV 25701 (304) 522-7022 Pleasant Green Baptist Church Pleasant Green Baptist Church 1421 Waller Street Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 354-4779 Portsmouth Nutrition Portsmouth Nutrition 847 Gallia st Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 222-8625 Patter Fam Sauces Patter Fam Sauces 8019 Hayport Rd Wheelersburg OH 45694 (740) 352-2008 PCL Building Supply PCL Building Supply P.O. Box 1255 Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 354-8833 Planet Fitness Planet Fitness 4000 Rhodes Ave New Boston OH 45662 (740) 876-4560 Ports Senior Lofts/St. Mary Developme... Ports Senior Lofts/St. Mary Development Corp. 2160 East 5th Street Dayton OH 45403 (937) 277-8149 Portsmouth Area Ladies (PALS) Portsmouth Area Ladies (PALS) 98 Edmond Dr Wheelersburg OH 45694 (740) 357-2013 Piketon Nursing Home LLC Piketon Nursing Home LLC 300 Overlook Drive Piketon OH 45661 (740) 289-4074 Portsmouth Gateway Group Portsmouth Gateway Group 4301 B Lucasville Minford Rd Minford OH 45653 Parsley Enterprises, Inc Parsley Enterprises, Inc 2624 Gallia Street Portsmouth Oh 45662 Portsmouth Communications Portsmouth Communications 2828 Gallia Street Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 351-2618 Portsmouth Coin & Currency Co Portsmouth Coin & Currency Co 614 Chillicothe Street Portsmouth Oh 45662 (740) 354-2646 Portsmouth Inner City Development Cor... Portsmouth Inner City Development Corporation 1206 Waller Street Suite 1 Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 354-6626 Portsmouth Medic Transport LLC Portsmouth Medic Transport LLC 2828 Gallia Street Unit 2 Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 351-2618 Primary Plus Primary Plus 142 Depot Drive South Shore Ky 41175 (606) 202-7377 Portsmouth Vision Center Portsmouth Vision Center 1915 Scioto Trail Portsmouth Oh 45662 (740) 354-2821 Portsmouth Repair & Towing Services I... Portsmouth Repair & Towing Services Inc 2451 McDermott Pond Creek Rd McDermott OH 45662 (740) 351-2618 Portsmouth Brewing Company Portsmouth Brewing Company 224 Second Street Portsmouth Oh 45662 (740) 354-6106 Pearl Interactive Network, Inc. Pearl Interactive Network, Inc. 1103 Schrock Road Suite 109 Columbus OH 43229 (614) 258-2943 Portsmouth Metropolitan Housing Autho... Portsmouth Metropolitan Housing Authority 410 Court St. Portsmouth Oh 45662 (740) 354-4547 Paschal Solutions, Inc. Paschal Solutions, Inc. 710 S. Illinois, Suite F-104 Oak Ridge TN 37830 1-270-556-4864 Portsmouth Little Theater Portsmouth Little Theater P.O. Box 1251 Portsmouth Oh 45662 (740) 353-7034 Path Behavioral Healthcare Path Behavioral Healthcare 902 Gallia St. Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 529-2125 Portsmouth Patriots Friends of NRA Portsmouth Patriots Friends of NRA 1712 11th Street Box 166 Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 727-3935 Portsmouth Health and Rehab Portsmouth Health and Rehab 727 8th Street Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 354-8631 Portsmouth Insurance, A TAH Benefits ... Portsmouth Insurance, A TAH Benefits Partner 2740 Scioto Trail Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 353-4105 Portsmouth Daily Times/HD Media Portsmouth Daily Times/HD Media 633 7th Street Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 353-3101 PDI of Ironton, Inc. PDI of Ironton, Inc. 1322 South 2nd Street Ironton Oh 45638 (740) 532-5822 Portsmouth Monument Co. Portsmouth Monument Co. 1617 Offnere Street Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 353-4055 Pike County Chamber of Commerce Pike County Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 107 Waverly OH 45690 (740) 947-7715 (Bark Transcendent Group, I... (Bark Transcendent Group, Inc) 2755 Hillview Dr Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 292-1208 Pike County News Watchman Pike County News Watchman The Pike County New Watchman 860 W Emmitt Ave. Ste 5 Waverly Oh 45690 (740) 947-2149 Portsmouth Emergency Ambulance Servic... Portsmouth Emergency Ambulance Service Inc 2796 Gallia Street Portsmouth Oh 45662 (740) 354-3122 Patties & Pints Patties & Pints 546 2nd Street Portsmouth Oh 45662 (740) 529-1769 Peoples Bank Peoples Bank 503 Chillicothe Street Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 354-3177 Portsmouth Block Portsmouth Block 2700 Gallia Street Portsmouth OH 45662 (740) 353-4113